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Creator and Producer of the Original Kings of Comedy: Walter Latham CEO

Walter Latham Sr. and Michelle Swiney McCombs interview Walter Latham Jr., the CEO of Latham Entertainment and the creator of the Original Kings of Comedy. They discuss various topics, including personal updates, current projects, future plans, writing a book, the success of Kings of Comedy, the genesis of the original tour, the potential for a movie on Walter Latham's life, future business plans, challenges in the entertainment industry, and opportunities for collaboration.

The conversation covers a range of topics including the impact of social media, public beefs, the perception of reality, the importance of bringing people together, the Irving Outlaw Scholarship Foundation, income inequality and poverty, the state of the country, political priorities, and the future of African-Americans.

The state of stand-up comedy is also discussed. Is the art better than before? We get his viewpoint

Walter Latham Sr and Walter discuss the transition from being a promoter to a producer, the impact of artificial intelligence (AI), and concerns about the future of AI.

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